Problem Description
When an API request is made to the Infoworks platform using an auth token, the response request returns an error ‘Failed to retrieve username and password from auth token’
Root Cause
If the auth token contains the character ‘+’ then the request will return the error ‘Failed to retrieve username and password from auth token’
Please replace ‘+’ with ‘%2B’ and resubmit the rest request
Original Auth token : qQ//SStVWjFrpBXI1KvKvrsDwNAgJYCQ+C3n+qHztXLWXKnsoHmkxWamUfl8cJxhN4otIwAk+4rihKWT0E0MjQ==
After replacing '+' with '%2B'
Applicable Infoworks Data Foundry Versions
IWX v2.x,3.x,4.x