# Script to compare the same files in 2 directories. 

# List of files that need to be compared needs to passed as a separate file

# The script takes input from the user for the current directory, backup directory and file location containing file paths

# The file formats supported by the script are .json, .js, and conf files with format (key=value) and (key value)

# Download the file

wget https://cvs-iwx.s3.amazonaws.com/scripts/compare.py

# Run the compare.py 

python compare.py

# Example for JSON file containing the list of files and locations that have to be compared

    "conf.properties": "conf/conf.properties",
    "dataproc_defaults.json": "conf/dataproc_defaults.json",
    "airflow.cfg": "orchestrator-engine/airflow.cfg",
    "ecosystem.config.js": "platform/rest-api-service/ecosystem.config.js",
    ".env": "platform/rest-api-service/.env",
    "exporter.conf": "resources/nginx-portable/conf/infoworks/extras/exporter.conf",
    "config-dev.json": "platform/conf/config-dev.json",
    "nginx.conf": "resources/nginx-portable/conf/nginx.conf",
    "platform.conf.template": "resources/nginx-portable/conf/infoworks/platform.conf.template",
    "pg_hba.conf": "resources/postgres/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf",
    "dt_spark_defaults.conf": "conf/dt_spark_defaults.conf"

Example output

Enter current installation directory [# Example : /opt/infoworks] : /opt/infoworks
Enter backup directory [# Example : /opt/infoworks_5306] : /opt/infoworks_5306
Enter file path for JSON file containing file paths: /opt/infoworks/scripts/file_path.json

Value mismatch for key 'default_driver_xmx_mb' in conf/conf.properties: '2048' in current dir and '512' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'ingestion_port' in conf/conf.properties: '3025' in current dir and '3026' in backup

Key 'example' is present in conf/conf.properties of current dir but not present in backup

Key 'demo' is present in backup conf/conf.properties but not present in current dir
List length mismatch for key 'init_scripts' in dataproc_defaults.json: 3 in current dir and 1 in backup

Value mismatch for key 'imageVersion' in dataproc_defaults.json: '2.0.53-ubuntu18' in current dir and '1.4-ubuntu18' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'parallelism ' in orchestrator-engine/airflow.cfg: ' 2' in current dir and ' 15' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'worker_concurrency ' in orchestrator-engine/airflow.cfg: ' 2' in current dir and ' 15' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'job_heartbeat_sec ' in orchestrator-engine/airflow.cfg: ' 2' in current dir and ' 3' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'min_file_process_interval ' in orchestrator-engine/airflow.cfg: ' 5' in current dir and ' 900' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'instances:' in platform/rest-api-service/ecosystem.config.js: '4,' in current dir and '2,' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'max_memory_restart:' in platform/rest-api-service/ecosystem.config.js: ''2G',' in current dir and ''1G',' in backup

Value mismatch for key 'TIMEOUT' in platform/rest-api-service/.env: '100000' in current dir and '20000' in backup

Author: Anirudh Chekuri

Date Published: 04/12/2023