Check if Docker Installed: Ensure that Docker is installed on your system. You can verify this by running:

docker --version

Create Dockerfile:

Below is an exmaple, specific to Infoworks you need to create user 'myuser' with UID 185

# Specify base image, example 
FROM rockylinux:9
# Update the system and install necessary tools
RUN dnf -y update && \
    dnf -y install epel-release && \
    dnf -y install s-nail sendmail ksh fuse3 fuse3-libs curl java-1.8.0-openjdk openssh-clients gnupg2 pinentry telnet bind-utils jq sudo vi --allowerasing && \
    dnf clean all && \
    ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

# Add Microsoft repository and install blobfuse2
RUN sudo rpm -Uvh && \
    dnf -y install blobfuse2

# Create user 'myuser' with UID 185
RUN useradd -u 185 -m myuser

# Install SnowSQL
RUN curl -O && \
    dnf install -y snowflake-snowsql-1.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm && \
    rm -f snowflake-snowsql-1.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm

# Install Azure CLI
RUN curl | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo && \
    dnf install -y azure-cli

# Update Azure CLI
RUN dnf update azure-cli -y

# Install azcopy
RUN curl -L -o azcopy_linux_amd64.tar.gz && \
    tar -xzf azcopy_linux_amd64.tar.gz --strip-components=1 && \
    mv azcopy /usr/local/bin/ && \
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/azcopy && \
    rm azcopy_linux_amd64.tar.gz

# Set PATH for the user
ENV PATH="/usr/bin:${PATH}"

# Set the working directory to /tmp

Build the Docker Image

docker build -t custom-bash-snowsql-openssh-azurecli-rocky:latest .

Running the Docker image locally

docker run -it --rm custom-bash-snowsql-openssh-azurecli-rocky:latest

Save the Docker Image as Tarball

docker save -o custom-bash-snowsql-openssh-azurecli-rocky.tar custom-bash-snowsql-openssh-azurecli-rocky:latest

Example : Pushing the image to Azure Container registry

# Log in to Azure ACR
az acr login --name myacr

# Tag the image for ACR
docker tag custom-bash-snowsql-openssh-azurecli-rocky:latest

# Push the image to ACR
docker push

Configuring Custom docker image for Workflow bash script

Refer :